

Jun 12, 2024 | 4 min read

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Aditi Patel

10 Best Mortgage Editor

As interest rates continue to go up, many people are thinking about refinancing to keep their rates low. However, it’s important to figure out if it’s the right decision for you. People choose to refinance their homes for various reasons, such as changes in their financial situation or long-term goals. While refinancing can be a good idea for some individuals, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the perfect time for everyone.

So, when is the right time to refinance your mortgage? It’s important to gather the necessary information to make an informed decision. Take a closer look at your current mortgage situation before you decide to refinance:

Loan period: When you take out a mortgage, you usually have different options for how long you want to pay it off. It could be 15, 20, or even 30 years. The most popular choice for many people is a 30-year mortgage.

Remaining Loan Term: If you keep making your regular payments on your current loan, when will you finish paying it off? Do you want to pay off your loan more quickly? Or would you prefer to have more time to pay it off with lower monthly payments?

Interest Rate at the Time: Take a look at your most recent statement from your lender to find out the interest rate you’re currently paying. If your rate is 0.75% or more higher than the lowest rates available today, it might be a good idea to consider refinancing. Even a difference of just half a percent in interest rates can have a big impact on the total amount of interest you’ll pay, especially if you plan on staying in your home for several years.

Variable or a Fixed Interest Rate: If you currently have a low interest rate, but it’s a variable-rate mortgage, there’s a chance that your interest expenses and monthly mortgage payments could increase significantly when rates go up. Right now, fixed and variable rate mortgages have similar rates. It’s unlikely that rates will decrease much further, and they’re expected to rise from their current low levels. This could be a good opportunity to secure a low fixed-rate for the entire duration of your mortgage

Refinancing your mortgage might be beneficial if you’ve experienced any of these life changes:

Changed interest rates: With interest rates consistently dropping, some homeowners have taken advantage of the opportunity to refinance not just once, but even twice within the past year. The main reason to consider refinancing your mortgage is the chance to secure a lower interest rate. By doing so, you can save a substantial amount on interest payments throughout the duration of your loan.

Income or career changes: It’s important to adjust your financing according to your income level and job stability. For instance, if your income and credit history have gotten better since you bought your home, you might now qualify for a more advantageous loan. With a higher income, you could consider refinancing into a shorter-term loan, like a 15-year loan. On the other hand, if you’re experiencing financial difficulties, you may prefer refinancing into a longer-term loan to reduce your monthly payments.

Family Situation changes: Major life events like getting married, getting divorced, or other significant changes in your family situation can impact your ability to afford mortgage payments. For instance, if you’ve lost your partner, you might be facing challenges in keeping up with your current payments. In such cases, refinancing into a longer-term loan with a potentially lower interest rate can make it more manageable for you to stay in your home while making affordable payments.

Financial Changes: If you experience other financial changes, you might consider refinancing your mortgage. For instance, if you receive an inheritance, you could use it to pay down your mortgage. While you can make extra payments on your mortgage principal without getting a new loan, it won’t lower your monthly payments. However, if you’re paying off a significant portion of your mortgage, refinancing with a lower principal amount and potentially a lower interest rate could result in considerably lower monthly payments. Other financial changes, like planning to retire early and wanting to pay off your mortgage before retirement, can also indicate a need to adjust your mortgage.

PMI repayment: You are probably still paying a private mortgage insurance or PMI, if you have purchased a house with a down payment amount lesser than 20%. Getting rid of PMI without refinancing is possible, but refinancing can be a good idea, especially if you can also secure a lower interest rate. If the value of your home has increased or you’ve been paying down the balance, you’re more likely to qualify for a new loan without PMI.

Using your Home equity: Home equity refers to the difference between your home’s value and the balance of your mortgage. By refinancing with a larger loan than your current mortgage, you can access the equity in your home and use the money for other purposes. While refinancing to take out home equity had a negative reputation in the past, it doesn’t mean it’s always a bad choice. Using home equity to make a purchase or pay off high-interest debt can be a smart long-term financial move, especially when the interest rate on your new mortgage is much lower than other financing options.

While refinancing your home might seem like a good idea, it’s essential to consider the time and expenses involved. There are fees such as loan origination fees, closing costs, and appraisal fees. You may also choose to pay for discount points to further reduce your interest rate. It’s generally not recommended to refinance if you plan to sell your home within the next couple of years, as the savings from lower monthly payments won’t outweigh the refinancing costs. However, if you plan to stay in your home for the long term, it’s crucial to find a mortgage with favorable terms and a desirable interest rate. Taking the time to apply for mortgage refinancing now can save you a significant amount of money in interest, help you pay off your mortgage sooner, or assist you in achieving your other financial goals.